Faking a Good Night’s Sleep

Last Updated on March 9, 2024 by Ellen Christian

Faking a good night’s sleep just may help you make it through the next day. Learn how to fake a good night’s sleep with these tips.

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Faking a Good Night's Sleep When You Didn't Get Any

Faking a Good Night’s Sleep

While we all intend to get a good night’s sleep, it may not always happen. Whether your late night was the result of a party or the baby keeping you awake, there are a few ways you can moderate the damage the next day.

Kids, stress, travel, and late nights can all impact how you feel the next morning. It’s tough to wake up bright-eyed and alert at 5:00 AM when you didn’t get to sleep until after midnight. Now, if it’s the weekend, you can just go back to sleep or take it easy and make it a recovery day. But, what if you have to be to work that morning? Here are a few tips for faking a good night’s sleep.

How do you fake a good night’s sleep?

Not getting enough sleep will not only make you feel not so great, but it will also probably make you look not so great.  Here are a few ways that you can fake a good night’s sleep and get through the day.

woman sitting in the sun with coffee

Get some sunshine.  Sitting in the dark or wandering around with dark sunglasses won’t help. Open the curtains or head outside for a brisk walk. Natural light will help reset your body’s internal clock.

If you don’t have time for a walk before work, make sure you spend your lunch break or your morning break outside in the sun for at least 15 minutes. Learn more about how natural light can be beneficial in this post.

Grab a healthy breakfast. Your first impulse might be to grab something sugary for a quick energy boost but it’s really not the best choice. A quick sugar rush will only work for a short time and the “crash” afterward will add to the problem.

Start your day with a lean protein and some whole grains.  Try a whole-wheat English muffin or toast with almond butter and a banana. Faking a good night’s sleep on an empty stomach is a challenge.

How do you trick your brain into thinking you slept?

Relax.  Close your eyes, breathe deeply and relax the muscles in your body.  Start at your head and work your way down to your toes. It’s not as good as a nap, but it helps. If you do have the opportunity to take a short power nap, go for it. A short nap can help reset your body.

Faking a Good Night's Sleep When You Didn't Get Any

How do you feel energized without sleeping?

Get caffeinated.  Enjoy your favorite mocha latte on the way to class. Just sip it slowly so it lasts as long as possible.  The caffeine will work wonders. Or, if you’re running late and don’t have time for coffee, they do have caffeine gum that can give you a boost of energy. Caffeine can do wonders when you’re faking a good night’s sleep.

Drink extra water. Sleep deprivation can cause mild dehydration.  Make sure you drink the water with plenty of ice to refresh rather than sooth you. I try to bring along my reusable water bottle wherever I go. That way, I’m not tempted to grab a water bottle from the vending machine.

8 Best Essential Oils: Beginners Should be Using

Use essential oils. There are a number of essential oils with energizing properties that can help you feel awake during your morning shower. Eucalyptus, peppermint, and citrus essential oils help you wake up.

Check out this post for a few essential oils beginners should be using. You may find a few that will help you when faking a good night’s sleep.

How can I look good after no sleep?

Energize your skin.  Use a mild facial scrub to bring blood back to the surface of your skin.  Splash cold water on your eyes to reduce puffiness. Apply a tinted moisturizer to give you that healthy glow.

Faking a Good Night's Sleep When You Didn't Get Any

Once the day is done and you have the opportunity, make sure you get enough sleep the next night.  These tips will work for a night or two but faking a good night’s sleep isn’t something that you can do if you never get caught up. Finally, eliminate the caffeine after 3 pm and try to stick to a regular bedtime for best results.

Finally, here are a few tips to look your best the morning after a long night. This eye cover for sleep will help.


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