3 Ingredient Homemade Facial Toner DIY Recipe

Last Updated on February 22, 2023 by Ellen Christian

This homemade facial toner DIY recipe has only three ingredients: distilled water, apple cider vinegar, and essential oil (your choice). Try it today to refresh your face before you start the day.

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3 Ingredient Homemade Facial Toner DIY Recipe

Homemade Facial Toner DIY Recipe

I start making my homemade facial toner DIY recipe as the furnace starts coming on more in my home. I’m reminded that I need to pay more attention to my skin.

The air is drier and I lose some of the moisture in my skin. If I’m not careful, my skin will start to look dull. Apple cider vinegar can help bring back that glow.

You may want to try this anti-aging serum DIY.

When used correctly, a facial toner can remove excess oils and dead skin cells from your skin. Using a toner as part of your beauty routine is vital but is something that many women forget to do.

a woman washing her face

How to use toner

After you wash your face, you should follow with a toner to remove any excess oil or dirt that your cleanser missed. After you use the toner, you should follow with a moisturizer to return healthy moisture to your skin.

Apple cider vinegar helps heal a variety of skin ailments, from bug bites to poison ivy to sunburn.

The exact measurements will depend on the size of the glass jar you use. Do not store this in plastic as the apple cider vinegar could damage the plastic.  

Use one part apple cider vinegar to four parts distilled water. So 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar for one cup of distilled water.

a box of essential oils and exfoliating scrubber

Can I add essential oils to toner?

Then add a few drops of the essential oil of your choice.  Lavender, peppermint and tea tree oil are all good choices.

When you’re ready to use it, simply dip a cotton ball in the solution and smooth it over your skin. Refrigerate when not in use.

3 ingredient homemade facial toner DIY recipe

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12 thoughts on “3 Ingredient Homemade Facial Toner DIY Recipe”

  1. Winter is a bad time of year for my skin as well. I try to use extra moisturizer on my skin throughout the fall and winter months. The toner above sound like a perfect natural skin care aid.


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