Tips to Reduce Cellulite

Last Updated on January 28, 2023 by Ellen Christian

It’s time to get ready for summer and the beach so break out your bathing suits. Check out these tips to reduce cellulite to make it less obvious.

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Tips to reduce cellulite

Tips to Reduce Cellulite

Cellulite is fat that is under the skin that causes your hips and thighs to have a dimpled appearance. It’s most commonly found on women. I started noticing mine after the birth of my first child. Research has shown that there is a connection between hormones and cellulite.

While I haven’t found a way to make it disappear entirely, you can use these tips to reduce cellulite to make it less noticeable.

Use a coffee scrub

Use a coffee scrub on your skin in the shower. The exfoliation caused by the scrub stimulates blood flow and caffeine has a tightening effect on your skin.

Make healthier choices

Cellulite is found more frequently in people who smoke, have sedentary lifestyles and do not exercise.

a white plate with a salad

Eat a balanced diet

Eat a healthy balanced diet. While it won’t eliminate the cellulite, it will help you lose fat that will make cellulite less noticeable.

Skip the tight panties

Wear thongs or boy shorts. Some evidence shows that tight elastic around your hips and thighs can cause the appearance of cellulite.

water bottle on the beach

Stay hydrated

Drink lots of water. Staying hydrated can improve your skins’ appearance overall.

a woman having a foot massage

Get a massage

Skin brushing or massage may help. Improving the circulation in the area you have cellulite may contribute to reducing the appearance.

Get more antioxidants

Eat foods with antioxidants. Antioxidants help fight free radicals that cause damage to skin cells.

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Take your omega 3’s

Substitute less healthy fats with Omega-3 fats like those found in flaxseed oil. Omega-3 fats help improve circulation that can help lessen the appearance of cellulite.

Tips to reduce cellulite

Cellulite may not be something you can ever get rid of entirely, but by following these tips, you should see an improvement in how obvious it is. Why not try this DIY cellulite massage soap and learn how it can help.

2 thoughts on “Tips to Reduce Cellulite”

  1. I found exercise helps the most, lunges, squats, and kettlebells, for me especially. Running also helps me when my hip is not acting up. I do eat lots of flaxseed meal daily for my dry eyes, so bet that helps as well. Thanks for the encouragement on the dry brushing–I should do it more but not on my list of priorities.


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